Frequently Asked Questions across various parts of the Shivom's Platform
Here you will find a list of Frequently Asked Questions with our answers:
Can I create my own Nextflow pipeline? Currently, we offer pipelines that are popular in industry and academia. We welcome any suggestion of new pipelines we can include in our next release.
How can I find out more about the pipelines? The best place to find out more information is from the results 'Export' pdf. There you will be able to find more about the parameters and processes that were used to analyse your result.
Is the code open source? We aim to use as much public open-source pipeline as possible whilst offering credit to the developers. The configuration, section of the report, contains the images and homepage (when available) of the code.
Can I run the pipelines using my own cloud solution? At this present time, analysis is run on our own AWS servers. The charge will be billed in your total analysis.
Can I upload from cloud storage/buckets? We are currently working on ways to allow users to seamlessly upload data from their existing storage solution, including AWS S3, Google Drive and Dropbox.
Is there a storage limit for uploading my data? There is a storage limit depending on the permission setting that you select. If the Open and Monetizable options are chosen, there will be no storage limit; conversely, if you choose the Private option, the storage limit is 10GB.
Can I upgrade before the 12 months subscription? Yes of course! Please contact our sales team or Account Manager who will sort this out for you.
Last updated
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